Wednesday, December 31, 2014

3 Tiers to Protect Your Marriage: Part II

This article is continued from 3 Tiers to Protect Your Marriage: Part I.

In reality, families often put the children first, then the marriage next.  Then if there is any room left over, they address their spiritual needs.

However, one must ask, if the marriage fails, what will happen to the children?  Also, don't the children get taken better care of when both the husband and wife are filled with love and are working together.  On an airplane, during a crash or crisis, one must first secure the oxygen for able bodied individuals first, because when those individuals are well taken care of, they can then help others.  So remember men and women, place your husband's needs and your wife's needs before your children.  Focus first on loving, encouraging and building up your spouse and they will likely become a huge asset in your children's lives.

Likewise, if you put place your foundation into another person, what happens when they make a mistake, break down or fall off course?  Doesn't your spouse deserve to have the best of you?  Doesn't your spouse deserve to have your unconditional love even when they are not strong enough to love you back?  The only way this can occur is if you leave your spirituality as your foundation and take the time to make sure you are replenished directly from the source.

Instead of thinking about two people and love, think about two cars and electricity.  Usually, the two cars will run just fine, with their batteries being recharged internally and on a daily basis.  However, from time to time, one car's battery may die.  At this point, the other car can be used to give a jump start, and recharge the other car's dead battery.  Over a long period of time, both cars will eventually end up with dead batteries, unless they are replaced by an external source.

What is the end recommendation?  First, make sure your individual spiritual needs are met, by replenishing daily through worship.  Second, make sure your spouse's needs are met through love and encouragement.  Finally, attend to the children, pouring love into their lives.

This post was reposted from, originally written on July 8th, 2013.

From Hannah

Of course one needs to take care of oneself, but this is completely backward. Children *do* come first. Yes, before your partner, and before yourself. To argue otherwise is so selfish and self-serving as to take my breath away. Your children will be well aware of who you’re putting first if it’s not them, as many of us know very well indeed, and the price is unimaginable.

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